The Committee received a presentation by Lucy Clayton, Performance Analyst, regarding target setting for the year 2017/18.
Arising from the presentation, Members gave detailed consideration to the challenges inherent in setting performance standards based on appliance response times, particularly in relation to rural areas with heavy reliance on on-call firefighters. The issue had been considered as part of the work on the Integrated Risk Management Plan (IRMP), with the conclusion that the mixed provision model (now adopted) would allow for a more effective response in urban areas. The challenges associated with firefighter availability were acknowledged, and praise expressed for the outstanding level of commitment demonstrated by on-call firefighters.
The Director of Prevention, Protection and Response stated that he welcomed Members' input with regard to prevention and protection work, due in particular to their local knowledge. In response to comments from Councillors Massey and Garnett, he undertook to arrange for work to be carried out in their localities to allay residents' fears regarding perceived or actual changes to their local stations.
The Committee was pleased to note the high numbers of children and young people who engaged with the Service.
That the proposed performance targets for Essex County Fire and Rescue Service in 2017/18 be noted as satisfactory.