The Committee considered report (EFA/019/17) by the Finance Director and Treasurer which sought approval to delegate to Officers powers to dispose of day crewed housing in support of the 2020 programme objectives.
Currently there is a delegation in place to the Chief Fire Officer allowing the disposal of empty day crewed housing. Through the 2020 programme of service changes that will see crewing of current day-crewed fire stations changing to On-Call, the disposal of all day-crewed housing is now being looked at. Legal advice had been sought and it was confirmed that the properties had to be sold at the market value. However the properties did not have to be sold on the open market and could be offered to the existing tenants. The arrangements with existing tenants occupying the housing could remain in place until 31 March 2020, then the properties would be disposed of.
There was a potential issue with regard to taxation with the current provision of day crewed housing on a rent free basis, which was customary for employers to provide in these particular circumstances, and which is currently not a taxable benefit. However there was a risk that HMRC may review this test before 2020 and if changes did occur to this being a statutory exemption the Authority would need to decide how to manage the impact of the change.
The flexibility to allow the Authority to dispose of the housing to the existing firefighter occupants was a key consideration in the delivery of the 2020 programme of changes at these fire stations.
Members were very keen that consideration be given to offering the housing firstly to the current occupier and then to Local Authorities prior to it going on the open market. The view was expressed by a number of Members that the Local Authorities may welcome the opportunity to purchase the properties. The Committee therefore agreed to add a recommendation to reflect a three stage disposal plan based on offering the properties firstly to the current tenant, then to Local Authorities and then to the open market.
It was estimated that the properties were worth in total around £3-4million, however there was an assumption that these would be sold after 2020 due to the guarantees made to the tenants currently living in them. The properties were valued annually for the accounts.
- That the Committee noted the importance of day crewed staff in the conversion of appliance crewing at those fire stations to On-Call;
- That the Committee noted the benefit of current day crewed staff remaining in service with secondary On-Call contracts;
- That the Committee noted the legal advice concerning the disposal of Fire Authority property;
- That the Committee delegated authority to the Acting Chief Fire Officer to dispose of day crewed housing in support of 2020 programme objectives.
- That the Committee agreed that a three stage disposal plan be followed based on offering the properties firstly to the current tenant, then to Local Authorities and then to the open market.