Meeting Details

Meeting Summary
Development and Regulation Committee
21 Apr 2017 - 10:30 to 13:00
  • Documents
  • Members
  • Attendees



Standard Items
1 Apologies for Absence
The Committee Officer to report receipt (if any).
Apologies were received from Cllr A Erskine, Cllr C Guglielmi (substituted by Cllr I Grundy), Cllr J Jowers and Cllr Lady Newton (substituted by Cllr C Seagers).
2 Declarations of Interest
To note any declarations of interest to be made by Members in accordance with the Members' Code of Conduct

Cllr Mackrory declared a pecuniary interest in respect of agenda item 6.2 (Beaulieu Park Schools Campus), as a director of the Boswell's Multi-Academy Trust, the Local Authority's preferred bidder for the Secondary School under consideration in that item.

Cllr Mackrory also declared that as member for the Chelmsford Springfield division, he is the local member for item 6.2.  He would address the meeting as local member and then take no further part in either discussion of or voting for the item.  (Minute 7 refers.)

3 Pdf Minutes (133Kb)
To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 24 March 2017.
The minutes of the meeting held on 24 March 2017 were agreed and signed by the Chairman.
4 Identification of Items Involving Public Speaking
To note where members of the public are speaking on an agenda item. These items may be brought forward on the agenda.

Persons to speak in accordance with the procedure were identified for the following items:

1)     To consider Report DR/17/17, relating to the construction of a detached Two Storey School Building, including 9 New Classrooms and Ancillary Facilities.

At Joyce Frankland Academy, Essex, Newport, CB11 3TR

 Reference: CC/UTT/04/17.

 Applicant: Essex County Council

Public Speaker: Gordon Farquhar speaking for.
And Cllr Ray Gooding, speaking as local member and as Cabinet Member for Education and Lifelong Learning.

2)     To consider report DR/18/17, relating to the proposed development of the Beaulieu Park Schools Campus, consisting of a 1200 place three storey Secondary School, 420 place two storey Primary School, 56 place single storey Nursery, Sports Hall with associated community facilities, hard and soft play areas, means of enclosure, landscaping, car parking, bicycle and scooter parking and associated infrastructure on a site of approx.11.8ha with vehicular access from Armistice Avenue and pedestrian access via Beaulieu Square, Chelmsford.

At Land to the northeast of the junction of White Hart Lane (A130) and Essex Regiment Way, Chelmsford.

Reference: CC/CHL/07/17.
Applicant: Essex County Council

Public Speakers:     David Fletcher speaking for.

                                Barry Murphy

And Cllr Mike Mackrory, speaking as local member.

5 Minerals and Waste
To consider report DR/16/17, relating to the continuation of use as a Waste Transfer Station without compliance with Condition 2 (compliance with submitted details) attached to planning permission reference ESS/26/16/HLW, to allow an additional use of the site for overnight parking of associated Heavy Goods Vehicles and trailers.
Location: Waste Transfer Station, West Road, Harlow, CM20 2AL.
Reference: ESS/06/17/HLW

The Committee considered report DR/16/17 by the Acting Head of County Planning. Members noted the Addendum to the agenda.

Policies relevant to the application were detailed in the report.

Details of consultation and representations received were set out in the report.

The Committee noted the key issues:
• Need
• Amenity Impact
• Traffic & Highways.

There being no further issues raised by Members, the resolution was proposed and seconded. Following a unanimous vote in favour, it was


That planning permission be granted, subject to conditions updating those attached to planning permission ref ESS/26/16/HLW, covering the following matters:

1) An amended Condition 2 as follows:

The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance
with the details of the application dated 27/07/2011, together with:

• Drawing number 26310/HA/A/CVD/004/D dated 05/07/11;
• Drawing number 26310/HA/A/CVD/006/C dated 19/07/11;
• Drawing number 26310/HA/A/CVD/008/A dated 12/10/10;
• Drawing number 26310/HA/A/CVD/009/C dated 14/07/11;
• Drawing number 26310/HA/A/CVD/010/B dated 20/07/11;
• Drawing number 26310/HA/A/CVD/012/A dated 16/06/11;
• Drawing number 26310/HA/A/CVD/013/B dated 19/07/11;
• Drawing number 26310/HA/A/CVD/014/A dated 17/06/11;
• Drawing number 26310/HA/A/CVD/015/A dated 05/09/11;
• Drawing number 26310/HA/A/CVD/016/A dated 05/09/11;
• Drawing number 26310/HA/A/CVD/017/A dated 05/09/11;
• Drawing number 26310/HA/A/CVD/021/A dated 20/07/11;
• Drawing number 26310/HA/A/CVD/022/A dated 20/07/11;
• Drawing number 26310/HA/A/CVD/031/A dated 06/06/11;
• Drawing number 26310/HA/A/CVD/040/B dated July 2011;
• Drawing number 26310/HA/A/CVD/100/B dated 19/07/2011;
• Drawing number 26310-06/A/CVD/002/A dated 01/10/2010;
• Supporting Planning Statement dated July 2011;
• Arboricultural Impact Appraisal and Method Statement dated 4/2/2011;
• BREEAM Assessment dated July 2011;
• Consultation Statement dated July 2011;
• Daylight and Sunlight Assessment dated July 2011;
• Draft Site Waste Management Plan dated July 2011;
• Drainage Assessment dated July 2011;
• Ecology Survey (Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey) dated July 2011;
• Land Quality Report dated July 2011;
• Noise Assessment dated July 2011;
• Odour Assessment dated July 2011;
• Transport Assessment dated July 2011;
• Utilities Statement dated July 2011;
• Letter dated 21 September 2011 from Chris Hooper (Amec)
• Emails from Brian Hamilton (Amec) dated 6 September 2011 and 23
September 2011;
• Email from Gavin Cunningham (Amec) dated 7 September 2011;
• Email from Clare Heeley (Amec) dated 21 September 2011;
• Emails from Tim Perkins (Amec) dated 8 September 2011, 9 September
2011 and 22 September 2011; and,
• The contents of the Design and Access Statement dated July 2011

AS AMENDED BY those details reserved by condition of Planning Permission ref No.ESS/38/11/HLW and as amended by Non Material Amendments ref No’s. ESS/38/11/HLW/NMA1, ESS/38/11/HLW/NMA2 and ESS/31/11/HLW/NMA3

AND AS AMENDED BY For ESS/26/16/HLW those details as set out in:
• Application Form from Veolia Environmental Services dated 16.06.2016;
• Veolia Environmental Services Planning Statement entitled S73 Planning
Application to vary the wording of condition 14 relating to noise monitoring of planning permission No. ESS/38/11/HLW dated June 2016;
• Drawing VES_P_HLWWTS_001 dated June 2016

AND AS AMENDED BY For ESS/06/17/HLW those details as set out in:
• Application Form dated 02/11/16;
• Cover letter from Veolia dated 02/11/16 (and amended 06/04/17);
• Supporting Statement for Harlow Waste Transfer Station: Planning application for overnight parking of HGVs by Veolia dated 11/01/17 (and amended 06/04/17); and,
• Drawing number VES_P_HLWWTS_001 Rev A dated 08/10/16 ‘Planning Application Site Boundary’

And in accordance with any non-material amendment(s) as may be subsequently approved in writing by the Waste Planning Authority, except as varied by the following conditions: -

2) That an additional Condition 30 be imposed to ensure the HGVs and trailer are emptied of waste prior to overnight parking.

3) That an additional Condition 31 be imposed to ensure the HGVs and trailer are parked only in the areas shown on drawing ref VES_P_HLWWTS_001 Rev A dated 08/10/16.

4) That all other conditions attached to permission ref ESS/26/16/HLW be updated and re-imposed as appropriate.

6 County Council Development
To consider Report DR/17/17, relating to the construction of a detached Two Storey School Building, Including 9 New Classrooms and Ancillary Facilities.
Location: Joyce Frankland Academy, Essex, Newport, CB11 3TR
Reference: CC/UTT/04/17.

The Committee considered report DR/17/17 by the Acting Head of County Planning. Members noted the Addendum to the agenda.
Policies relevant to the application were detailed in the report.

The Committee noted the key issues:

  • Principle of development
  • Site layout and design
  • Sustainable transport and highways impact
  • Impact on playing field
  • Impact on natural environment
  • Impact on historic environment.

In accordance with the protocol on public speaking the Committee was addressed by Gordon Farquhar, the Head Teacher of Joyce Frankland Academy. Mr Farquhar said:

  • The school has been improving since 2012, becoming increasingly popular and is now at capacity.  The school has been working with Essex County on these proposals, which aim to meet the increasing needs of pupils and staff with minimum impact on the surrounding area
  • This development will enable the school to expand, providing not only 9 extra classrooms but also a graphics/photography/digital media room, which will significantly improve educational opportunities at the school 
  • Consideration is being given to working on the main entrance to the school, to alleviate problems that had been expressed by the local parish council


Councillor Ray Gooding, as local divisional member and Cabinet Member for Education and Lifelong Learning, addressed the meeting. Cllr Gooding said:

  • This is a much needed development, as there is increasing pressure for places in this area, which is working through the primary schools
  • Mr Farquhar should be commended for his achievements in raising standards at the school since his arrival
  • On transport and traffic, were the school being built from scratch, it would be designed differently.  Most pupils travel in by bus and train and the local council has expressed concern over congestion.  This is an ongoing problem that needs management.  Cllr Gooding has spoken to both the school and the local council about this. A travel plan is being developed and this will have to be modified year by year.  The school has a significant role, but it also needs the ongoing engagement of both the County Council and the local community.

In response to points raised by members, it was noted:

  • There were significant problems with access to the school, but these were well managed by staff at present
  • There were no changes to the entrance within the proposals under consideration and any proposals in future would require a full planning  application
  • Coaches/buses leaving their engines running while waiting outside the school could give rise to issues over diesel fumes; but, as the vehicles would be on the public highway, they could not be made subject to any conditions within these proposals. However, such issues could be addressed as part of the travel plan, encouraging liaison between the school and the travel company.

There being no further issues raised by Members, the resolution was proposed and seconded. Following a unanimous vote in favour, it was


That pursuant to Regulation 3 of the Town and Country Planning General Regulations 1992, planning permission be granted subject to the following conditions: 

1.     The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiry of 3 years from the date of this permission. Written notification of the date of commencement shall be sent to the County Planning Authority within 7 days of such commencement.

2.      The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the details submitted by way of application reference CC/UTT/04/17 validated on 09/01/2017 including the following drawings and documents:


DR-A-9000 Rev. P02 Location Plan
DR-A-0201 Rev. P03 Proposed Site Plan
DR-A-1200 Rev. P04 Ground Floor Plan Option A
DR-A-1201 Rev. P04 First Floor Plan Option A
DR-A-1202 Rev. P02 Roof Plan
DR-A-3100 Rev. P04 Proposed Elevations
DR-A-4101 Rev. P01 Proposed Elevations

Haydens Tree Survey Drawing No. 5569-D dated 25/08/16


• Planning Statement, prepared by Strutt & Parker in association with Pick Everard, dated December 2016.

• Design and Access Statement, prepared by Pick Everard, dated December 2016

• Preliminary Ecological Appraisal Report V2 , prepared by Practical Ecology Ltd, dated September 2016

• Aerial Tree Inspection report by Practical Ecology Ltd, by letter dated 15th November 2016

• Tree Survey, Arboricultural Impact Assessment, Preliminary Arboricultural Method Statement & Tree Protection Plan, prepared by Haydens Arboricultural Consultants, dated 26/08/2016.

• Transport Statement, Issue 07, prepared by Pick Everard, dated 15 March 2017

• School Travel Plan, prepared by Joyce Frankland Academy, dated March 2017

and in accordance with any non-material amendment(s) as may be subsequently approved in writing by the County Planning Authority.


3.     Landscape Plan

Within one month of commencement of development on site, a landscape scheme shall be submitted for the prior written approval of the County Planning Authority.

The scheme shall include details of areas to be planted with species, sizes, spacing, protection and programme of implementation.

Replacement trees should be of suitable species and suitable maturity to mitigate the loss of amenity value.

The scheme shall be implemented within the first available planting season (October to March inclusive) following commencement of the development hereby permitted in accordance with the approved details and maintained thereafter.

Any tree or shrub forming part of a landscaping scheme approved in connection with the development that dies, is damaged, diseased or removed within the duration of 5 years during and after the completion of the development shall be replaced during the next available planting season (October to March inclusive) with a tree or shrub to be agreed in advance in writing by the County Planning Authority.


4.     Advance Archaeological Investigation
No development or preliminary groundworks shall take place until a written scheme and programme of archaeological investigation (trial trenching and excavation) and recording has been submitted to and approved in writing by the County Planning Authority. The scheme and programme of archaeological investigation and recording shall be implemented prior to the commencement of the development hereby permitted or any preliminary groundworks.


5.     Bicycle Parking
Prior to first occupation of the proposed building, a minimum of 10 covered bicycle stands for staff use shall be erected on the school landholding outlined in blue on the site location plan (DR-A-9000 Rev. P02)
Within one month of commencement of development on site, details of proposed location and detailed design drawings for the covered bicycle stand shall be submitted for the prior written approval of the County Planning Authority and the development carried by implemented in accordance with the approved details.


6.     Construction Method Statement
No development shall take place, including any ground works or demolition, until a Construction Method Statement has been submitted to and approved in writing by the county planning authority. The approved Statement shall be adhered to throughout the construction period. The Statement shall provide for:
i. the parking of vehicles of site operatives and visitors
ii. loading and unloading of plant and materials
iii. storage of plant and materials used in constructing the development
iv. wheel and underbody washing facilities
v. details of a suitable construction access
vi details of routing of construction vehicles on local roads.

To consider report DR/18/17, relating to the proposed development of the Beaulieu Park Schools Campus, consisting of a 1200 place three storey Secondary School, 420 place two storey Primary School, 56 place single storey Nursery, Sports Hall with associated community facilities, hard and soft play areas, means of enclosure, landscaping, car parking, bicycle and scooter parking and associated infrastructure on a site of aprox. 11.8ha with vehicular access from Armistice Avenue and pedestrian access via Beaulieu Square, Chelmsford
Location: Land to the northeast of the junction of White Hart Lane (A130) and Essex Regiment Way, Chelmsford.



The Committee considered report DR/18/17 by the Acting Head of County Planning.

The Members of the Committee noted the contents of the Addendum, in particular the changes to the wording of the conditions 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 10 and the additional conditions on page 80: 13. Sample and 14. Signage. It was also noted that the following sentence should be added after this last condition: "The development shall be implemented in accordance with the approved details."

Policies relevant to the application were detailed in the report.

Details of consultation and representations received were set out in the report.
The Committee noted the key issues:

  • Principle of Development
  • Site layout and design
  • Sustainable transport and highways impact
  • Flood risk
  • Impact on natural environment
  • Impact on historic environment
  • Impact on residential amenity
  • Sustainability
  • Community sports facilities

In accordance with the protocol on public speaking the Committee was addressed by David Fletcher, Associate Partner, Strutt & Parker, on behalf of the applicant. Mr Fletcher said:

  • The proposals have been subject to a long collaborative process between a range of stakeholders, including ECC education, Chelmsford City Council, the Highway Authority and Countryside Properties. A public exhibition was also arranged prior to the submission of the application
  • They represent a good balance between providing an excellent educational facility for students and a good response to the required design criteria, but also ensuring that the proposals can be delivered within the available budget
  • There is less detail provided on the neighbourhood square, as this has a split ownership and the level of detail was not there when the papers were drawn up.  This is being progressed through a collaborative approach with the developers for the wider site
  • With regard to transport matters, the parking level is above the maximum standard in recognition of both the problems associated with schools and the community use of the site; in addition, the neighbourhood centre has been planned with some spaces that would be made available to parents delivering and picking up their children 
  • This will provide both an excellent educational facility and will promote the use of Community Facilities at the School Buildings, Sports Hall and Outdoor Areas
  • There is a need for the application to be approved in order to ensure that the Primary School is ready for September 2018 opening and the Secondary School is ready for a September 2019 opening.

Barry Murphy, a Partner at Dalton Warner Davis, representing Countryside Zest (Beaulieu Park) LLP also addressed the Committee.  Mr Murphy said:

  • Countryside Zest, the owner of the application site and developer of the wider Beaulieu development, fully supports this school in this location but has three specific concerns
  • Community Use Agreement.  The ‘Joint Use Facilities’ are a policy requirement of the adopted North Chelmsford Area Action Plan and Beaulieu Outline Consent and S.106 Legal Agreement, to which Essex County Council are a signatory and to which Countryside Zest contribute up to £843,000.  Both Chelmsford City and Sport England recommend that a Condition should be attached as in the latter's experience, without a planning condition the community access is generally not kept in perpetuity by the School Operator. The wording used in the committee report -  ie ‘promoting’ the community use and it is ‘intended’ that the facilities will be subject to a formal Community Use Agreement - is not strong enough. It is unclear why this condition has not been included
  • School Design.  The design, particularly in respect of the 90 metre long windows overlooking White Hart Lane, is disappointing, considering the 'quality and innovative nature' of the surrounding development.  In view of the considerable period until the secondary school is due to open, it is suggested that an appropriately worded condition be attached, allowing for appropriate amendments to be made to the design in good time
  • Beaulieu Square open space.  It is unclear why the Addendum has removed the requirement for the public realm area to be designed jointly with the applicant, in condition 4; it makes sense for it to be designed collaboratively. A design has now ben agreed.  It is recommended that this not be removed and that it should be amended to require the submission of a Public Realm Maintenance and Management Plan.

Councillor Mike Mackrory, as local divisional member, addressed the meeting.  Cllr Mackrory said:

  • The need is certainly well established
  • The report itself could have included more information, so that members would have been better informed before the meeting
  • Staff parking provision is not sufficient, given the likelihood that virtually all teachers will come by car.  The standard was set in 2009 but should be revisited
  • Dropping off points - a conflict is likely between the use of spaces for retail customers/workers and parents, with children being dropped off in that space as well 
  • There are no spaces for visitors
  • Residents on the other side of White Hart Lane were not consulted - and not all of these houses are well screened
  • The proposed operator should have been involved in the design of the school.

In response to matters raised, several points were noted:

  • Regarding community use, the community use of the sports centre has been assessed and consequently there are no planning restrictions in respect of this.  It is not thought there is a need to include a further condition as there is a requirement that the development is carried out in accordance with the submitted details.  This is a stand alone full application to Essex County Council as planning authority, which is not the same as a reserved matters approval to Chelmsford City Council under the previous permission granted by them 
  • With regard to the removal of the requirement for the public area to be jointly designed, under Condition 4,  the applicant does not have any control over half of this area and this application does not include proposals over it; it is not considered appropriate to have words in a condition that require the agreement of a third party
  • At junior and senior schools the number of staff parking (135) is based on the number of pupils rather than staff numbers (one space per 15 pupils), which gives a result of 109 places.  The actual figure is 135, which is contrary to Essex Parking Standards policy; however, it has not been thought appropriate to reduce this, as there is no separate provision for those using the sports facilities
  • The design is based on most of the children arriving on foot or by bicycle.  68 spaces are available in Beaulieu Square, for visitors to the school or the other facilities, with a further 50 or so spaces also available, to the south, as well as a number of parking bays along Armistice Avenue
  • There are three parking spaces for coaches, with a turning head.  There are no drop off points planned within the school grounds themselves. 

There being no further matters raised by Members, the resolution, with the noted amendments, was proposed and seconded.  Following a vote of seven for and none against, with one abstention, it was


1.     The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiry of 3 years from the date of this permission.  Written notification of the date of commencement shall be sent to the County Planning Authority within 7 days of such commencement.


2.     The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the details submitted by way of application reference CC/CHL/07/17 validated on 25/01/2017




Site Wide Drawings




Site Landscape Drawings

BPS/WWA/SW/XX/PP/L/0001 Rev PL04 - Rendered landscape masterplan/Block Plan

BPS/WWA/PS/ZZ/GA/L/0001 Rev PL01 - Nursery and Primary School Landscape Layout


BPS/WWA/SS/ZZ/GA/L/0001 Rev PL01 - Secondary School Landscape Layout

BPS/WWA/SC/ZZ/GA/L/0001 Rev PL01 - Sports Hall and Car Park Layout Plan

BPS/WWA/PS/ZZ/GA/L/0002 Rev PL01 - Primary and Secondary School Sports Pitches

BPS/WWA/SW/ZZ/PL/L/0001 Rev PL01 - Planting Strategy

BPS/WWA/SW/XX/PP/L/0004 Rev PL01 - Cyclist and Pedestrian Movement Analysis

BPS/WWA/SW/XX/PP/L/0004 Rev PL01 - Cycle and Parking Provision

BPS/WWA/SW/XX/PP/L/0003 Rev PL01 - Security Fencing Strategy

BPS/WWA/SW/ZZ/SE/L/0001 Rev PL02 - Site Sections


Secondary School Drawings















Sports Centre Drawings







Nursery Drawings







Primary School Drawings











Vehicle Tracking Drawings

BPS-MLM-ZZ-XX-DR-D-1000-P06-S2 - Vehicle Tracking - Refuse Vehicle

BPS-MLM-ZZ-XX-DR-D-1001-P08-S2 - Vehicle Tracking - Fire Tender

BPS-MLM-ZZ-XX-DR-D-1002-P07-S2 - Vehicle Tracking - 7.5 Tonne Box Van

BPS-MLM-ZZ-XX-DR-D-1003-P08-S2 - Vehicle Tracking - 12m Rigid Lorry

BPS-MLM-ZZ-XX-DR-D-1004-P08-S2 - Vehicle Tracking - Coach Entrance and Turn


Drainage Drawings

BPS-MLM-ZZ-XX-DR-D-0101/P05  Initial Drainage Strategy

BPS-MLM-ZZ-XX-DR-D-0102/P02  Enlarged Drainage Strategy Sheet 1

BPS-MLM-ZZ-XX-DR-D-0103/P02  Enlarged Drainage Strategy Sheet 2



  • Planning Statement, prepared by Strutt & Parker, dated January 2017
  • Design and Access Statement (REV E) prepared by Norr Architects
  • Transport Statement, prepared by MLM, dated
  • Sustainability Statement (including BREEAM pre-assessment), prepared by Hoare Lea
  • Drainage Statement (Incorporating Flood Risk Assessment), prepared by MLM, dated 11 April 2017.
  • Letter from Essex County Council Infrastructure Delivery Project Sponsor dated 20 March 2017, Ref. Community Use Agreement.


and in accordance with any non-material amendment(s) as may be subsequently approved in writing by the County Planning Authority.



3.     Bicycle Parking

Prior to first occupation of the proposed buildings, a minimum of 400 pupil and 24 staff covered bicycle stands for the secondary school and a minimum of 100 pupil scooter parking stands and 40 pupil and 7 staff bicycle stands for the primary school and a minimum of 7 staff bicycle stands for the nursery, shall be erected on site at the locations indicated on the Site Layout Plan. Within 6 months of commencement of development on site, detailed design drawings for the covered bicycle stands and covered scooter stand shall be submitted for the prior written approval of the County Planning Authority and the development shall be carried out accordance with the approved details.



4.     Beaulieu Square design details

Prior to first beneficial use of the proposed school buildings, the part of the Beaulieu Square within the development site boundary, shall be finished and landscaped in accordance with a plan to be submitted for the prior written approval of the County Planning Authority.


The proposed plan shall include details of hard and soft landscaping proposed.



5.     Detailed Landscape Plan

Within six months of commencement of development on site, a detailed landscape scheme shall be submitted for the prior written approval of the County Planning Authority.


The scheme shall include details of areas to be planted with species, sizes, spacing, protection and programme of implementation.


The scheme shall be implemented within the first available planting season (October to March inclusive) following commencement of the development hereby permitted in accordance with the approved scheme.


Any tree or shrub forming part of a landscaping scheme approved in connection with the development that dies, is damaged, diseased or removed within the duration of 5 years during and after the completion of the development shall be replaced during the next available planting season (October to March inclusive) with a tree or shrub to be agreed in advance in writing by the County Planning Authority.



6.     Sustainable Building Materials

The proposed development shall utilise a minimum of 20% sustainable building materials and/or re-use of recycled materials in the construction of the development.


No development above DPC level shall take place unless and until a Sustainability Statement demonstrating a minimum of 20% of sustainable building materials and/or re-use of recycled materials has been submitted for the prior written approval of the Planning Authority.


The development shall be implemented in accordance with the approved details.


 7.      Surface Water Drainage

The development shall be implemented in accordance with the Drainage Statement (Incorporating Flood Risk Assessment), prepared by MLM, dated 11 April 2017.



8.     Primary School Cycle Store Wall facing Beaulieu Square

Within six months of commencement of development on site, detailed proposals for the blank wall of the Primary School cycle store, facing the Beaulieu Square, shall be submitted for the prior written agreement of the County Planning Authority.


Without prejudice to the foregoing, the proposals shall incorporate a design feature (such as community art wall/revolving school art project).  The development shall thereafter be implemented in accordance with the approved proposals.



9.     Detailed Lighting Design

No fixed lighting shall be erected or installed until details of the location, height, tilt, lighting controls, lighting design, illuminance levels, uniformities, spill light contour lines on to Ordnance Survey mapping and consideration given to switching off or dimming after hours has been submitted to and approved in writing by the County Planning Authority. The details shall include a design summary to ensure the lighting is designed to an appropriate lighting standard will minimise the potential nuisance of light spillage on the local environment, adjoining properties and highways. The lighting shall thereafter be erected, installed and operated in accordance with the approved details.



10.     Fenestration Details

All fenestration on the proposed buildings shall be recessed or projecting. No development shall proceed above DPC unless and until detailed design drawings have been submitted for the prior written approval of the County Planning Authority. The development shall thereafter be implemented in accordance with the approved detailed design drawings.



11.     External Material Finishes and Samples

Within one month of commencement of development on site, a full schedule of all external material finishes plus samples shall be submitted for the prior written approval of the County Planning Authority.


The development shall be implemented in accordance with the approved details.



12.     Building Entrance details for Nursery and Primary School

Prior to commencement of construction on the Nursery and Primary School buildings, detailed drawings of the entrance features to both buildings shall be submitted for the prior written agreement of the County Planning Authority. The development shall be implemented in accordance with the approved details.



13.     Sample (brick specific)

Before starting any brick work, a sample panel of the facing materials to be used shall be erected on site to establish the detail of bonding, coursing and colour, type of jointing shall be agreed in writing with the County Planning Authority. The quality of finish and materials incorporated in any approved sample panel(s), which shall not be demolished prior to completion of development, shall be maintained throughout the development.


14.     Signage

Prior to erection of any signage on the proposed buildings, detailed drawings and specification of the proposed text, logos and material finishes shall be submitted for the prior written approval of the County Planning Authority. The signage shall be implemented in accordance with the approved details.



Cllr Grundy left the meeting at this point. 


7 Enforcement Update
To consider Report DR/19/17, relating to the enforcement of planning control in respect of the restoration of mineral workings and non-compliance with planning conditions at Dannatts Quarry, Hatfield Peverel.
Reference: 70/421/33/114.

The Committee considered an update (DR/19/17) on progress in respect of Dannatts Quarry, specifically matters relating to the transfer of the land to the county council for future use as a country park in accordance with the planning legal agreement under section S52 of the (former) Town and Country Planning Act 1971.  Members also noted the contents of an earlier report that had been attached as a confidential item as Appendix 2 to the paper.

Members having noted the report, the resolution was proposed and seconded.  Following a unanimous vote in favour, it was


The case is closed from a planning position and no further work is undertaken by ECC as Mineral and Waste Planning Authority in respect of planning enforcement matters in relation to the previous planning permissions and S52 Legal agreement, subject to the formal transfer of the land being achieved.


Cllr Reeves pointed out that this would be Cllr Boyce's last meeting as chairman and she thanked him for carrying out this role so ably over the preceding four years. On behalf of officers, Mr Greaves thanked Cllr Boyce for his support over this period.

Before closing the meeting, the Chairman thanked all members, who had helped make his role as chairman an easy one.

There being no further business the meeting closed 11:56am.


8 Information Item
To update Members with relevant information on planning applications, appeals and enforcements, as at the end of the previous month, plus other background information as may
be requested by Committee.
Report DR/20/17

The Committee considered report DR/20/17, applications, enforcement and appeals statistics, as at end of the previous month, by the Acting Head of County Planning.

The Committee NOTED the report.

9 Date of Next Meeting

To note that the date of the next Committee meeting is scheduled for Friday 26 May 2017, which is after the County Council elections.


The Committee noted that the next meeting would be held on Friday 26 May 2017 at 10:30am in Committee Room 1, after the County Council elections.

10 Urgent Business
To consider any matter which in the opinion of the Chairman should be considered in public by reason of special circumstances (to be specified) as a matter of urgency.
Exempt Items
11 Land at Dannatts Quarry, Hatfield Peverel - Appendix 2
  • Information in respect of which a claim to legal professional privilege could be maintained in legal proceedings;
12 Urgent Exempt Business
To consider in private any other matter which in the opinion of the Chairman should be considered by reason of special circumstances (to be specified) as a matter of urgency.

Meeting Documents


Attended - Other Members
No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
NameReason for Sending ApologySubstituted By
Andrew James Erskine   
Carlo Guglielmi Ian Grundy
John Gilbert Jowers   
Lady Patricia Newton Colin George Seagers
NameReason for AbsenceSubstituted By
James Edward Abbott Deputy Leader of Non-Aligned Group  

Declarations of Interests

Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.


Cllr R Boyce (Chairman)             Cllr J Lodge 
Cllr K Bobbin Cllr M Mackrory
Cllr M Ellis Cllr J Reeves
Cllr I Grundy Cllr C Seagers
Cllr S Lissimore


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