The Committee considered report AC/14/17, which presented an updated draft of the Council’s 2016/17 Statement of Accounts, which had been amended from the version the Committee received in June 2017, to address matters arising during the ‘final accounts audit’ carried out by EY. It also incorporated the Annual Governance Statement.
In accordance with the requirements of the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015, the draft 2016/17 Statement of Accounts (including the Narrative Report and Annual Governance Statement) was certified by the Executive Director for Corporate and Customer Services on 26 June 2017, and was then released for external audit. The public inspection period was also commenced.
The Accounts must now be formally approved by this Committee in order for the Council to meet the statutory deadline of 30 September 2017 for publication of its Statement of Accounts for 2016/17.
Christine Golding gave a short presentation to the Committee which included an explanation of the limited number of amendments made to the Statement of Accounts as a consequence of matters arising during the external audit of the accounts.
Paul Turner advised the Committee that it was proposed to amend the Annual Governance Statement (to reflect that ‘the internal audit review of IT Disaster Recovery delivered a ‘no assurance’ opinion, although the authority’s approach to this has been along the lines of building resilience and this matter is being considered by the Audit Committee in September 2017. Management have also agreed to take action in response to the audit recommendations’.
Margaret Lee offered her personal thanks to all members of staff involved with production of the accounts for the Council and the Essex Pension Fund.
Resolved that the Committee
i. Noted the matters raised in the External Auditor’s ‘Audit Results Reports’ for the Council and the Essex Pension Fund
(presented elsewhere on the Agenda);
ii. Approved Statement of Accounts for 2016/17 (including the Annual Governance Statement and Narrative Report) 2016/17 and the Statement of Accounts as appended to the report (attached as Appendix A to report AC/14/17) as amended; and
iii. Noted the representations that the Executive Director for Corporate and Customer Services will make on behalf of the Council and the Essex Pension Fund (as set out within the Letters of Representation appended to the Audit Results Reports for the Council and the Essex Pension Fund, presented elsewhere on the Agenda).