Standard Items
Identification of Items Involving Public Speaking
To note where members of the public are speaking on an
agenda item. These items may be brought forward on the
agenda. Please note that members of the public wishing to
speak must email no
later than 5pm on the Tuesday before the meeting.
County Council Development
To consider report DR/29/24 relating to the improvements at the Army and Navy junction and the immediate approaches, consisting of a new ‘Hamburger’ junction layout, additional dedicated bus lanes, as well as expanded and improved walking and cycling infrastructure. Together with other associated development, works and landscaping.
Location: Army and Navy Junction, Chelmsford
Ref: CC/CHL/108/23
To consider report DR/30/24 relating to the expansion and enhancement of Sandon Park and Ride, including an expansion of the car parking area to the west, changes to the junction layout on Maldon Road (A1060), pedestrian and cyclist improvements, the demolition of the existing terminal building and substation and construction of a new terminal building, bus stop shelter and substation. Together with other associated development, works and landscaping.
Location: Sandon Park and Ride, Maldon Road, Chelmsford
Ref: CC/CHL/109/23
To consider report DR/31/24 relating to the expansion and enhancement of Chelmer Valley Park and Ride, including an expansion of the car parking area to the north and east, pedestrian and cyclist improvements and the construction of a new substation. Together with other associated development, works and landscaping.
Location: Chelmer Valley Park and Ride, Pratt's Farm Lane, Little Waltham, Chelmsford
Ref: CC/CHL/110/23
To consider report DR/32/24 relating to the change of use of agricultural land to a waste management use and construction of a concrete pad to enable the extension of green waste open windrow composting operations, topsoil blending and storage operations, construction of a new surface water attenuation lagoon and perimeter landscaped soil bunds.
Location: Birch Airfield, Blind Lane, Birch, Essex, CO5 9XE
Ref: ESS/31/24/COL
To consider report DR/33/24 relating to unauthorised waste development.
Location: Land at Boro Farm, Newmarket Road, Great Chesterford, Saffron Walden, Essex
Ref: ENF/1159
To consider report DR/34/24 relating to unauthorised waste development.
Location: Tile Kiln Farm, Hedingham Road, Sible Hedingham, Halstead, Essex, C09 3RL
Ref: ENF/1230
To update Members with relevant information on planning
applications, appeals and enforcements, as at the end of the
previous month, plus other background information as may
be requested by Committee.
Report: DR/35/24
Date of Next Meeting
To note that the next meeting will be held on Friday 13 December 2024, in Committee Room 1, County Hall.
Urgent Business
To consider any matter which in the opinion of the Chairman should be considered in public by reason of special circumstances (to be specified) as a matter of urgency.
Exempt Items
Urgent Exempt Business
To consider in private any other matter which in the opinion of the Chairman should be considered by reason of special circumstances (to be specified) as a matter of urgency.
Declarations of Interests
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.
Visitor Information is not yet available for this meeting