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Forward Plan Items

Education Excellence, Life Long Learning and Employability

Tony Ball - Cabinet Member for Education Excellence, Life Long Learning


The A104 Safer Roads Scheme has been designed and consulted on upon engagement with key stakeholders such as  City of London, Epping Forest District Council, local access groups, local businesses, and residents.

Highways, Infrastructure and Sustainable Transport

Tom Cunningham - Cabinet Member for Highways, Infrastructure and Sustainable


For the Cabinet Member to determine the admission arrangements.

Education Excellence, Life Long Learning and Employability

Tony Ball - Cabinet Member for Education Excellence, Life Long Learning


Legal - Monitoring Officer Finance - Section 151

Approval from the above stakeholders will be sought prior to submitting the report.

Highways, Infrastructure and Sustainable Transport

Tom Cunningham - Cabinet Member for Highways, Infrastructure and Sustainable


A127 Member Engagement Group

Highways, Infrastructure and Sustainable Transport

Tom Cunningham - Cabinet Member for Highways, Infrastructure and Sustainable


The Active Travel 3 Scheme has been designed and consulted on upon engagement with key stakeholders such as IPTU, Colchester City Council, local access groups, local businesses and residents.

Highways, Infrastructure and Sustainable Transport

Tom Cunningham - Cabinet Member for Highways, Infrastructure and Sustainable


The Active Travel 3 Scheme has been designed and consulted on upon engagement with key stakeholders such as IPTU, Colchester City Council, local access groups, local businesses, and residents.

Highways, Infrastructure and Sustainable Transport

Tom Cunningham - Cabinet Member for Highways, Infrastructure and Sustainable


The decision maker for this decision is now John Spence after portfolio changes in FP/136/05/24

Health, Social Care and Integration

John Andrew Spence - Cabinet Member for Children's Services, Adult Social Care, Public Health



The Chancellor of Essex

Christopher Whitbread - The Chancellor of Essex


A scheme consultation to be carried out to advertise the proposal to realign the existing road crossing.

Highways, Infrastructure and Sustainable Transport

Tom Cunningham - Cabinet Member for Highways, Infrastructure and Sustainable


No stakeholders. 

Highways, Infrastructure and Sustainable Transport

Tom Cunningham - Cabinet Member for Highways, Infrastructure and Sustainable


No consultation planned.


Derrick Jonathan Louis - Cabinet Member for Transformation


The borough, district and city councils who are currently operating the e-scooter trials.

Highways, Infrastructure and Sustainable Transport

Tom Cunningham - Cabinet Member for Highways, Infrastructure and Sustainable


Care Homes, ICBs, Community Health Providers, ECL, service users.

Health, Social Care and Integration

John Andrew Spence - Cabinet Member for Children's Services, Adult Social Care, Public Health


Procurement, Legal, Finance.


Kevin Paul Bentley - Leader of the Council, Leader of the Conservative Group


Public consultation held from 16th October - 27th November.

Consultation sent direct to other relevant parties including local member and local MP.

Education Excellence, Life Long Learning and Employability

Tony Ball - Cabinet Member for Education Excellence, Life Long Learning


Consultation with schools, parents in the relevant areas and church diocese where relevant.

Education Excellence, Life Long Learning and Employability

Tony Ball - Cabinet Member for Education Excellence, Life Long Learning


Consultation with schools, schools’ professional associations and neighbouring local authorities.

Education Excellence, Life Long Learning and Employability

Tony Ball - Cabinet Member for Education Excellence, Life Long Learning


A public consultation was undertaken at Harwich Library for this scheme in December 2023.

Planning a Growing Economy

Lee Scott - Cabinet Member for Housing, Planning and Regeneration


Monitoring Officer & S151 Officer will be consulted.

Climate Czar & Environment, Waste Reduction and Recycling

Peter Schwier - Climate Czar & Cabinet Member for Environment, Waste Reduction


There has been some limited engagement with some districts and Council partners in the health arena. 

There has been considerable internal engagement and the lead member has inputted into the draft documentation. The decision itself is seeking authority to undertake widespread consultation.  

Health, Adult Social Care and ICS Integration

John Andrew Spence - Cabinet Member for Children's Services, Adult Social Care, Public Health


Lead member and service heads including CLT.

Deputy Leader and the Communities, Economic Growth and Prosperity

Louise McKinlay - Deputy Leader, Communities, Economic Growth and Prosperity


Audit, Governance and Standards Committee (27 September 2021)

The Chancellor of Essex

Christopher Whitbread - The Chancellor of Essex


No formal consultation required due to the size of the proposed increase

Education Excellence, Life Long Learning and Employability

Tony Ball - Cabinet Member for Education Excellence, Life Long Learning


The Hawthorn Avenue Healthy School Street Scheme has been designed and consulted on upon engagement with key stakeholders such as IPTU, Colchester City Council, local access groups, local businesses, and residents.

Highways, Infrastructure and Sustainable Transport

Tom Cunningham - Cabinet Member for Highways, Infrastructure and Sustainable


Director for Finance, Cabinet Member for Finance, Legal, Strengthening Communities team, Resettlement team

The Chancellor of Essex

Christopher Whitbread - The Chancellor of Essex


The new or improved services to be provided as a result of an iterative process involving bus operators, ECC and in line with previous decisions relating to the enactment of the Essex Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP), particularly those relating to the Clacton Connect and Harlow Falcon projects No further consultation is proposed.

Highways, Infrastructure and Sustainable Transport

Tom Cunningham - Cabinet Member for Highways, Infrastructure and Sustainable


Nick Presmeg, Patrick Higgs, Steve Ede, Matthew Barnett

Adult Social Care and Health

John Andrew Spence - Cabinet Member for Children's Services, Adult Social Care, Public Health


Individual Cabinet Member & EHDLLP Board

Planning a Growing Economy

Lee Scott - Cabinet Member for Housing, Planning and Regeneration


Individual Cabinet Member & EHDLLP Board

Planning a Growing Economy

Lee Scott - Cabinet Member for Housing, Planning and Regeneration


Internal review


Planning a Growing Economy

Lee Scott - Cabinet Member for Housing, Planning and Regeneration


A range of due diligence has been undertaken and a detailed planning application has been submitted to the planning authority for determination

Planning a Growing Economy

Lee Scott - Cabinet Member for Housing, Planning and Regeneration


Engagement with Essex-based contractors, Procurement colleagues across Essex and Anchor partners

The Chancellor of Essex

Christopher Whitbread - The Chancellor of Essex


The market via soft market testing. The public were consulted as part of the planning process.

Health, Adult Social Care and ICS Integration

John Andrew Spence - Cabinet Member for Children's Services, Adult Social Care, Public Health


Legal - Monitoring Officer

Finance - Section 151

Approval from the above stakeholders will be sought prior to submitting the report

Highways Maintenance and Sustainable Transport

Lee Scott - Cabinet Member for Housing, Planning and Regeneration



Health & Adult Social Care

John Andrew Spence - Cabinet Member for Children's Services, Adult Social Care, Public Health


A scheme consultation to be carried out to advertise the proposed Banned Right Turn and Crossing amendments as part of the Colchester ATF2 Programme.

Highways, Infrastructure and Sustainable Transport

Tom Cunningham - Cabinet Member for Highways, Infrastructure and Sustainable


Formal planning consultation at appropriate time.

Consultation with parents of children who are likely to attend the new school at the appropriate time

Education Excellence, Life Long Learning and Employability

Tony Ball - Cabinet Member for Education Excellence, Life Long Learning


No public consultation planned.

Highways, Infrastructure and Sustainable Transport

Tom Cunningham - Cabinet Member for Highways, Infrastructure and Sustainable


Consultation took place with service users as referred to in Cabinet report FP/842/10/20. 

The decision maker for this decision is now John Spence after portfolio changes in FP/136/05/24

Children's Services, Adult Social Care, Public Health and Integration

John Andrew Spence - Cabinet Member for Children's Services, Adult Social Care, Public Health


Consultation with key ECC services including social care, sustainable transport, education, public health and communities, and planning and development. Outside of ECC, consultation with district local authorities, ICB Alliances, Essex criminal justice agencies, and voluntary and community organisations.

Deputy Leader and the Communities, Economic Growth and Prosperity

Louise McKinlay - Deputy Leader, Communities, Economic Growth and Prosperity


Public consultation undertaken 5th February - 11th March 2024

Education Excellence, Life Long Learning and Employability

Tony Ball - Cabinet Member for Education Excellence, Life Long Learning


A scheme consultation to be carried out with amended drawing following on from previous 2022 consultation carried out with an inaccurate scheme drawing. This is part of a wider package of measures advertised separately as part of the Braintree ATF2 Programme


Highways, Infrastructure and Sustainable Transport

Tom Cunningham - Cabinet Member for Highways, Infrastructure and Sustainable


Executive Director for Adult Social Care, Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care, Section 151 Officer, Monitoring Officer.

Highways, Infrastructure and Sustainable Transport

Tom Cunningham - Cabinet Member for Highways, Infrastructure and Sustainable


Nick Presmeg 
Patrick Higgs 
Moira McGrath 
Nicole Wood 
Melanie Evans 
Steve Ede 
Laura Davis-Hughes 
Helen Chittock.

Health, Adult Social Care and ICS Integration

John Andrew Spence - Cabinet Member for Children's Services, Adult Social Care, Public Health



The Chancellor of Essex


Cabinet : 21/01/25


The Chancellor of Essex


Cabinet : 21/01/25

Market engagement via Prior Information Notice in November 2023 to January 2024.

The Arts, Heritage and Culture


Cabinet : 25/02/25

No stakeholder involvement. 

Highways, Infrastructure and Sustainable Transport


Cabinet : 21/01/25

Consultation has taken place with senior officers and operational procurement staff across the proposed members of the Essex Procurement Partnership.  These Authorities being Braintree Districts Council, Epping Forest District Council, Castle Point Borough Council, Tendring District Council and Essex County Council.

The Chancellor of Essex


Cabinet : 21/01/25

Consultation has taken place with local residents and other interested parties.  Responses will be included as an appendix. 

Education Excellence, Life Long Learning and Employability


Cabinet : 21/01/25

The public have been consulted on the Essex EV strategy which contained the submission of a bid for LEVI capital funding in the action plan. The strategy received strong approval (75% either agree or strongly agree) from this consultation.

ECC have also engaged with District and Borough Councils, parish councils and internal partners from Essex Highways, Essex Legal Services, ECC finance and ECC network assurance.

Public consultations of affected residents will be undertaken wherever a new traffic regulation order (TRO) or a change to an existing TRO is proposed as part of the project.

Highways, Infrastructure and Sustainable Transport


Cabinet : 21/01/25

Providers, members of the public, service users.  

Children's Services, Adult Social Care, Public Health and Integration


Cabinet : 21/01/25

Parents/ carers of children at the schools,
Members of staff (schools in consultation)
Elected representatives

Education Excellence, Life Long Learning and Employability

Tony Ball - Cabinet Member for Education Excellence, Life Long Learning


Cabinet Member for Finance


Derrick Jonathan Louis - Cabinet Member for Transformation


Legal - Monitoring Officer Finance - Section 151

Approval from the above stakeholders will be sought prior to submitting the Cabinet Report 

Highways, Infrastructure and Sustainable Transport


Cabinet : 25/02/25

The public, Chelmsford City Council, local parish and town councils

Highways, Infrastructure and Sustainable Transport


Cabinet : 25/02/25

Cllr John Spence, Nick Presmeg, Moira McGrath, Simon Evans, service user feedback, survey and direct conversations with members of the public. 

Health, Adult Social Care and ICS Integration


Cabinet : 25/02/25

The project has consulted with a range of partners and other ECC services and has undertaken pre-engagement webinars with VCS organisations and employment support prime providers. 

The Chancellor of Essex

Tony Ball - Cabinet Member for Education Excellence, Life Long Learning


HR, Finance, Legal, EPUT locality directors, EPUT exec, ECC EDD, Service managers, ALT, ASC Business Planning, Equalities/inclusivity team. 

Children's Services, Adult Social Care, Public Health and Integration


Cabinet : 25/02/25

LTP outcomes agreed at PLT.

Initial internal consultation has taken place, initial discussion with Districts has taken place, full public consultation on a draft Strategy in planned for early summer 2024, followed by full public consultation on the final Local Transport Plan in late 2024 or early 2025.

It is assumed that these consultations will require separate Cabinet Member decisions to consult.

Highways, Infrastructure and Sustainable Transport


Cabinet : 25/03/25


The Chancellor of Essex


Cabinet : 03/06/25

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