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The ADP is developed primarily by the Essex Housing team and ECC Finance but incorporates input and feedback from ECC officers across the organisation. The document is produced for the Essex Housing LLP (EHLLP) and the EHLLP Board consider and approve the ADP before it is recommended to ECC. Each scheme is subject to its own public consultation and engagement process.

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Decision Proposed
Essex Housing Annual Delivery Plan 2024/25
The ADP is developed primarily by the Essex Housing team and ECC Finance but incorporates input and feedback from ECC officers across the organisation. The document is produced for the Essex Housing LLP (EHLLP) and the EHLLP Board consider and approve the ADP before it is recommended to ECC. Each scheme is subject to its own public consultation and engagement process.
Cabinet : 27/02/24

Added to FP 29.09.23

28 day period ends 27.10.23

To be taken at February 2024 Cabinet.

Background Papers

Gwyn Owen, Managing Director Essex Housing.
ADP Cabinet Paper, ADP including financial breakdown and needs assessment (confidential appendix), ECIA.

Standard Contact Details

Department Details

Planning a Growing Economy

Public Comments


Decision Maker


This section allows you to view the reports for the forward plan item.

Forward Plan Item Reports

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