View CMIS Forward Plan Item

So far there has been some limited engagement with some districts and Council partners in the health arena. There has been considerable internal engagement and the lead member has inputted into the draft documentation. The decision itself is seeking authority to undertake widespread consultation.  

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Decision Proposed
Essex Air Quality Strategy
So far there has been some limited engagement with some districts and Council partners in the health arena. There has been considerable internal engagement and the lead member has inputted into the draft documentation. The decision itself is seeking authority to undertake widespread consultation.  

Added to FP 18/01/24, 28-day period ends 15/02/24.

Going to Cabinet on 27/2/2024

Decision no longer to be taken at Cabinet, now a CMA.

Background Papers

Mark Ash, Executive Director: Climate Environment & Customer

Air Quality Strategy

Essex Air Quality Strategy Technical Document

Essex Air Quality Strategy Technical Document Equality Comprehensive Impact Assessment

Standard Contact Details

Department Details

Health, Adult Social Care and ICS Integration

Public Comments


Decision Maker

John Andrew Spence CBE - Cabinet Member for Health, Adult Social Care and ICS
Health, Adult Social Care and ICS Integration

This section allows you to view the reports for the forward plan item.

Forward Plan Item Reports

  1. Pdf FP-016-01-24 (72Kb)
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