View CMIS Forward Plan Item

Landlords and on-site care and support providers of the existing schemes.

Wider market, resident, local housing authority and other authority engagement also carried out as part of the Independent Living Extra Care Programme Review.

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Decision Proposed
Procurement of the on-site care and support services at some existing extra care schemes.

Landlords and on-site care and support providers of the existing schemes.

Wider market, resident, local housing authority and other authority engagement also carried out as part of the Independent Living Extra Care Programme Review.
Cabinet : 26/03/24
Cabinet : 23/04/24

Decision added to the Forward Plan: 07.02.24

28-day period ends: Wednesday 6th March 2024

Decision expected to be taken at the March Cabinet meeting.

Decision deferred from the March Cabinet, decision moved to April Cabinet meeting.

Due to CMIS error, this decision states it is going to the March and April Cabinet - this is definitely going to the April Cabinet meeting. The March Cabinet has been cancelled.

Background Papers

Nick Presmeg, Executive Director, Adult Social Care and Moira McGrath, Director of Commissioning (ASC)  

To be submitted: 

Cabinet Decision Paper

Equality Comprehensive Impact Assessment

Standard Contact Details

Department Details

Health & Adult Social Care

Public Comments


Decision Maker

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