View CMIS Forward Plan Item

A range of due diligence has been undertaken and a detailed planning application has been submitted to the planning authority for determination

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Decision Proposed
Land for housing development in Epping
A range of due diligence has been undertaken and a detailed planning application has been submitted to the planning authority for determination

Added to the Forward Plan: 22.01.20

Key Decisions have to be on the Forward Plan for 28-days, the 28 day period ends 19.02.20.

Decision pending, decisions not taken are automatically rolled over to the next month. Decision rolled over.

Background Papers

Gwyn Owen, Head of Essex Housing


Standard Contact Details

Department Details

Planning a Growing Economy
Gwyn Owen

Public Comments


Decision Maker

Lee Scott - Cabinet Member for Planning a Growing Economy
Planning a Growing Economy

This section allows you to view the reports for the forward plan item.

Forward Plan Item Reports

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