View CMIS Forward Plan Item

Engagement with Essex-based contractors, Procurement colleagues across Essex and Anchor partners

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Decision Proposed
Procurement of Energy Efficiency Works - Retrofit and Renewables for non-domestic premises

Engagement with Essex-based contractors, Procurement colleagues across Essex and Anchor partners


Key Decisions must be on the forward plan for 28-days before they are taken. 

Added to the Forward Plan: 23.05.23

28-day period ends 20.06.23

Was due to be taken at July Cabinet

Decision due to be taken at September Cabinet, decision now to be taken November Cabinet meeting.

Chris Whitbread is now the Cabinet Member responsible for the decision.

Decision deferred from November Cabinet, decision expected to be taken March Cabinet.

Decision deferred from March Cabinet, now expected to be taken at the April Cabinet (22.02.24).

Decision deferred from the April Cabinet, decision is no longer a Cabinet decision. 

Decision will be taken by Cllr C.Whitbread as a portfolio decision.

Background Papers

Sarah Howard, Procurement Lead. 

 For queries and comments contact:

Reports to be published with decision:

Cabinet Paper


Standard Contact Details

Department Details

The Chancellor of Essex

Public Comments


Decision Maker

Christopher Whitbread - The Chancellor of Essex
The Chancellor of Essex

This section allows you to view the reports for the forward plan item.

Forward Plan Item Reports

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