View CMIS Forward Plan Item


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Decision Proposed
Award of S106 funding

Decision added to the Forward Plan: 13.12.23

A key decision needs to have been listed on the Forward Plan for at least 28 clear days before it is made.

28 day period ends 10.01.24

Decision rolled over. 

Decision dates are automatically rolled over to the next month except where specific dates have been provided for the decision to be taken.

Background Papers

Comments can be submitted at any point in the decision process to the provided email address. 

Clare Kershaw, Director Education -

To be submitted: Cabinet Member Action and Equalities Impact Assessment.

Standard Contact Details

Department Details

Children's Services and Early Years

Public Comments


Decision Maker

Beverley Egan - Cabinet Member for Children's Services and Early Years
Children's Services and Early Years

This section allows you to view the reports for the forward plan item.

Forward Plan Item Reports

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