View CMIS Forward Plan Item

Parents have been consulted.

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Decision Proposed
Increase school age range from 3 years to 4 years
Parents have been consulted.

Decision Published: 07.03.24 

28-day period ends: Thursday 4th April 2024.

Decision expected to be taken after the 28-day period ends.

Background Papers

Lead Officer: Carolyn Terry, Early Years Child Care Sufficiency and Sustainability Manager

Queries and comments should be submitted to 

Cabinet Member Action report

Outcome of consultation with parents

Equality Comprehensive Impact Assessment.

Standard Contact Details

Department Details

Education Excellence, Life Long Learning and Employability

Public Comments


Decision Maker

Tony Ball - Cabinet Member for Education Excellence, Life Long Learning
Education Excellence, Life Long Learning and Employability

This section allows you to view the reports for the forward plan item.

Forward Plan Item Reports

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