View CMIS Forward Plan Item

No consultation.

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Decision Proposed
Transformation Procurement Partner
No consultation.

Decision added to the Forward Plan: 15.04.24

A key decision needs to have been listed on the Forward Plan for at least 28 clear days before it is made.

28-day period ends: Monday 13th May 2024. 

Decision expected to be taken: 17th May 2024.

Background Papers

Lead Officer: Debbie Knopp, Director of Transformation, Delivery and Support.

Queries and comments should be directed to:

Comments can be submitted at any point in the decision process to the provided email address.  

We recommend submitting these in the 28-day period where possible to ensure there is enough time for these to be considered. 


To be submitted: 

Cabinet Member Action report. 

Standard Contact Details

Department Details

The Chancellor of Essex

Public Comments


Decision Maker

Christopher Whitbread - The Chancellor of Essex
The Chancellor of Essex

This section allows you to view the reports for the forward plan item.

Forward Plan Item Reports

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