View CMIS Forward Plan Item

LTP outcomes agreed at PLT.

Initial internal consultation has taken place, initial discussion with Districts has taken place, full public consultation on a draft Strategy in planned for early summer 2024, followed by full public consultation on the final Local Transport Plan in late 2024 or early 2025.

It is assumed that these consultations will require separate Cabinet Member decisions to consult.

  • General
  • Reports


Decision Proposed
Decision to recommend that the decision to adopt Local Transport Plan 4 (LTP4) is taken to Full Council

LTP outcomes agreed at PLT.

Initial internal consultation has taken place, initial discussion with Districts has taken place, full public consultation on a draft Strategy in planned for early summer 2024, followed by full public consultation on the final Local Transport Plan in late 2024 or early 2025.

It is assumed that these consultations will require separate Cabinet Member decisions to consult.

Cabinet : 12/11/24

Decision added to the Forward Plan: 15.04.24

Key decisions must be on the Forward Plan for 28 clear days before a decision can be taken.

28-day period ends: Monday 13th May 2024

Decision expected to be taken at the November Cabinet

Background Papers

Lead Officer: Tom Blackburne-Maze 

Comments and queries should be directed to:

Comments can be submitted at any point in the decision process to the provided email address.  

We recommend submitting these in the 28-day period where possible to ensure there is enough time for these to be considered. 

Reports to be submitted: 

CMA, Local Transport Plan 4, Integrated Sustainability Appraisal, Equality Comprehensive Impact Assessment. 

Standard Contact Details

Department Details

Highways, Infrastructure and Sustainable Transport

Public Comments


Decision Maker


This section allows you to view the reports for the forward plan item.

Forward Plan Item Reports

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