View CMIS Forward Plan Item

The Better Care Fund (BCF) was created to bring together funding pooled between the NHS and, in our case, Essex County Council (ECC), to spend together on services and support, providing a more integrated approach to health and social care services. The plan is developed in partnership with ICB partners.

Where ECC is the commissioner of services funded through the BCF, consultation will be undertaken on the individual projects as required.

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Decision Proposed
Better Care Fund Plan 2024/25

The Better Care Fund (BCF) was created to bring together funding pooled between the NHS and, in our case, Essex County Council (ECC), to spend together on services and support, providing a more integrated approach to health and social care services. The plan is developed in partnership with ICB partners.

Where ECC is the commissioner of services funded through the BCF, consultation will be undertaken on the individual projects as required.

Cabinet : 25/06/24

Decision added to the Forward Plan: 24.04.24

Key decisions have to be on the plan for 28 clear days before they can be taken. 

The 28-day period ends: Wednesday 22nd May 2024

This decision is expected to be taken at the June Cabinet meeting. 

Background Papers

Lead Officer: Nick Presmeg, Executive Director Adult Social Care. 

For comments and queries please contact: Will Herbert,

The Better Care Fund Plan, and Equality Impact Assessment.

Standard Contact Details

Department Details

Health, Adult Social Care and ICS Integration

Public Comments


Decision Maker


This section allows you to view the reports for the forward plan item.

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