View CMIS Forward Plan Item

No public consultation planned.

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Decision Proposed
Re-procurement of bus services for the Colchester Park and Ride
No public consultation planned.

Decision added to the Forward Plan: 12.03.24

A key decision needs to have been listed on the Forward Plan for at least 28 clear days before it is made.


28-day period ends: Tuesday 9th April 2024

Decision expected to be taken at the April Cabinet 2025.  

Decision moved to the June 2024 Cabinet meeting.

Decision removed from the June 2024 Cabinet meeting, decision will now be taken as a Cabinet Member Action.

Background Papers

Rhona Halliday, Park and Ride Manager 


Cabinet Member Action and Equalities Impact Assessment.

Standard Contact Details

Rhona Halliday

Department Details

Highways, Infrastructure and Sustainable Transport

Public Comments


Decision Maker

Tom Cunningham - Cabinet Member for Highways, Infrastructure and Sustainable
Highways, Infrastructure and Sustainable Transport

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Forward Plan Item Reports

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