View CMIS Forward Plan Item

1. District, City, Borough partners

2. Three Integrated Care Systems partners

3. Voluntary and Community Sector – 249 organisations to date from grassroots to established non-profit organisations

4. The current providers of VCS Infrastructure in Essex

5. Neighbouring authorities who share ICS footprints – Southend City Council, Thurrock Council, Suffolk County Council and Hertfordshire County Council

6. Internal ECC stakeholders 

  • General
  • Reports


Decision Subject To Call In
Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) Infrastructure Programme

1. District, City, Borough partners

2. Three Integrated Care Systems partners

3. Voluntary and Community Sector – 249 organisations to date from grassroots to established non-profit organisations

4. The current providers of VCS Infrastructure in Essex

5. Neighbouring authorities who share ICS footprints – Southend City Council, Thurrock Council, Suffolk County Council and Hertfordshire County Council

6. Internal ECC stakeholders 


Key Decision added to the Forward Plan: 27.03.24 

Key Decisions must be on the Forward Plan for 28-days before they are taken, the 28-day period ends: Wednesday 24th April 2024. 

The earliest this Key Decision is expected to be taken is the 25th April 2024. 

This decision is likely to be taken early June.

Decision published 11.07.24

Call in ends 16.07.24

Background Papers

Queries about this Key Decision can be directed to Charlotte Britton, Head of Wellbeing and Public Health at: 
Equalities Impact Assessment and a Cabinet Member Action report. 

Standard Contact Details

Charlotte Britton

Department Details

Deputy Leader & Levelling Up and the Economy

Public Comments

Charlotte Britton
Please submit any comments and queries to before the expected decision date.

Decision Maker

Louise McKinlay - Deputy Leader & Cabinet Member for Levelling Up and the Economy
Deputy Leader & Levelling Up and the Economy

This section allows you to view the reports for the forward plan item.

Forward Plan Item Reports

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