View CMIS Forward Plan Item

Relevant councillors and staff have been consulted via briefing papers and various communications during the initial preparations of the project.

Members of the public have already been informed of plans via engagement events.

No further consultation is planned.

If the decision is agreed, there will be a need to inform service users of the changes and temporary provisions being put in place. 

  • General
  • Reports


Decision Proposed
Redevelopment of Pitsea Library within Pitsea Community Diagnostic Centre.

Relevant councillors and staff have been consulted via briefing papers and various communications during the initial preparations of the project.

Members of the public have already been informed of plans via engagement events.

No further consultation is planned.

If the decision is agreed, there will be a need to inform service users of the changes and temporary provisions being put in place. 


Decision added to the Forward Plan: 04.04.24

Key decisions must be on the plan for 28-days, the 28-day period ends: Thursday 2nd May 2024

This decision is expected to be taken after the 28-day period. 

Decision dates are automatically rolled over to the next month except where specific dates have been provided for the decision to be taken.

Decision rolled over.

Background Papers

Ben Finlayson, Director: Property, Investment and Delivery 

Cabinet Member Action Report; Equalities Impact Assessment; Confidential Appendix. 

Standard Contact Details

Department Details

The Arts, Heritage and Culture

Public Comments


Decision Maker

Mark Durham - Cabinet Member for The Arts, Heritage and Culture
The Arts, Heritage and Culture

This section allows you to view the reports for the forward plan item.

Forward Plan Item Reports

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