View CMIS Forward Plan Item

No ECC consultation required. The school will be undertaking their own consultation as part of their business case submission to the Department of Education.

  • General
  • Reports


Decision Proposed
Funding Agreement with Beaulieu Park School for sixth form provision.
No ECC consultation required. The school will be undertaking their own consultation as part of their business case submission to the Department of Education.

Decision added to the Forward Plan: 08.04.24

Key decisions have to be on the Forward Plan for 28-days before a decision can be taken. 

The 28-day period for this decision ends: Monday 6th May 2024.

Decision is expected to be taken after the 28-day period. 

Decision dates are automatically rolled over to the next month except where specific dates have been provided for the decision to be taken.

Decision rolled over.

Background Papers

Mark Pincombe, School Organisation Officer. 

Cabinet Member Action ad Equalities Impact Assessment.

Standard Contact Details

Mark Pincombe

Department Details

Education Excellence, Life Long Learning and Employability

Public Comments


Decision Maker

Tony Ball - Cabinet Member for Education Excellence, Life Long Learning
Education Excellence, Life Long Learning and Employability

This section allows you to view the reports for the forward plan item.

Forward Plan Item Reports

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