View CMIS Forward Plan Item

Lucy Wightman, Tom Walker, Finance Services, Legal Services, Cllr John Spence, Public Health Senior Management Team.

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Decision Proposed
Increased Investment into the Public Health Accelerator Bids (PHAB) Grants Programme
Lucy Wightman, Tom Walker, Finance Services, Legal Services, Cllr John Spence, Public Health Senior Management Team.

Added to FP 16/04/24 28-day period ends 14th May 2024

Expected to go to Cabinet on 28th May 2024. 

This decision is no longer a Cabinet Decision and will be taken as a Cabinet Member Action. CMIS updated: 17.04.24

Decision dates are automatically rolled over to the next month except where specific dates have been provided for the decision to be taken.

Decision rolled over.

Background Papers

Lucy Wightman, Director of Wellbeing and Public Health -

Equality Comprehensive Impact Assessment

 PHAB headline criteria & lessons learnt

Public Health and Communities Business Plan (2022-25)

FP/573/11/22- Previous Approved Public Health Accelerator Bids (PHAB) Grants Programme Cabinet Paper

Standard Contact Details

Department Details

Health, Adult Social Care and ICS Integration

Public Comments


Decision Maker

John Andrew Spence CBE - Cabinet Member for Health, Social Care and
Health, Social Care and Integration

This section allows you to view the reports for the forward plan item.

Forward Plan Item Reports

  1. Pdf FP-113-05-24 (44Kb)
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