View CMIS Forward Plan Item

Legal - Monitoring Officer. Finance - Section 151

Approval from the above stakeholders will be sought prior to submitting the Cabinet Member Action Report.

  • General
  • Reports


Decision Proposed
New ECC Highways Climate Adaptation Strategy, and subsequent revision to current Highways Infrastructure Asset Management Plan (HIAMP).

Legal - Monitoring Officer. Finance - Section 151

Approval from the above stakeholders will be sought prior to submitting the Cabinet Member Action Report.


Decision added to the Forward Plan: Friday 7th June 2024

A key decision needs to have been listed on the Forward Plan for at least 28 clear days before it is made.

The 28-day period ends: Friday 5th July 2024

Decision is expected to be taken by the 1st September 2024. 

Background Papers

Lead Officer: Peter Massie, Head of Essex Highways

For comments and queries please contact: Deana James, Business Planning Manager,

To be submitted: 

1) Essex County Council Essex Highways Climate Adaptation Strategy 
2) Essex County Council Highways and Transportation Highways Infrastructure Asset Management Plan (HIAMP) 
3) Equality Comprehensive Impact Assessment

Standard Contact Details

Department Details

Highways, Infrastructure and Sustainable Transport

Public Comments


Decision Maker

Tom Cunningham - Cabinet Member for Highways, Infrastructure and Sustainable
Highways, Infrastructure and Sustainable Transport

This section allows you to view the reports for the forward plan item.

Forward Plan Item Reports

  1. Pdf FP-151-06-24 (5Kb)
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