Set out below is a Calendar of Meetings. Click on the meeting to find out more about it.
Here you can find details of meetings taking place this month and planned for the future. You can also go back to a previous date and find those that took place since 1 January 2000 but to find details of meetings prior to 1 January 2000 please contact Democratic Services.
Many committees provide opportunities for members of the public to ask a question. The agenda for every committee that permits public speaking gives information on how to register to speak. If you wish to speak at a committee, please look at an agenda for that committee in order to obtain guidance. To find out how and when you can speak, what subjects you may address and what advance warning you may need to give please email You can also contact the Democratic Services Officer for the committee identified on the agenda.
In the interests of improving access to the Council’s meetings, some meetings will be livestreamed on the ECC Democracy - YouTube Channel. Recordings of the meetings once they have finished are also available on the Channel.