Decision Details

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Decision Confirmed
Waste Strategy for Essex Adoption.
Is a Key Decision:
Stakeholder Involvement

The strategy has been developed jointly by the Essex Waste Partnership which is made up of ECC and the twelve City, Borough and District Councils.   The plan has been drawn up jointly by the councils. A 10-week public consultation on the draft strategy took place between 13 September and 22 November 2023 providing an opportunity for the public, business, public bodies and other stakeholders to provide feedback. 

The consultation findings and other feedback received have been used to develop the final strategy. 

Date on which, or period within which, we expect the decision to be taken
Fri 26 Jul 2024
Decision Date Notes

Decision added to the Forward Plan: 23.04.24

A key decision needs to have been listed on the Forward Plan for at least 28 clear days before it is made.

28-day period ends: Tuesday 21st May 2024.

Decision is expected to be taken at the June Cabinet Meeting 2024. 

Decision has been moved to the July Cabinet Meeting instead of the June Cabinet Meeting. 

Call in ends 26.07.24.

Cabinet Member
Climate Czar & Environment, Waste Reduction and Recycling
Include Item on Forward Plan:
Lead Officer

Jason Searles, Head of Strategic Development & Compliance

For public queries or comments please contact:

Background Papers:

Waste Strategy for Essex 2024-2054; Strategic Environmental Assessment: Post Adoption Statement; Final Consultation Report - Draft Waste Strategy for Essex; Essex Waste Partnership Response to Consultation; Equalities Comprehensive Impact Assessment (ECIA) Background Papers.

Executive Summary of Technical Options; Full report on Technical Options; Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Scoping Report; Strategic Environmental Report (SEA)- Full report.

Easy Read, Reducing and Managing Waste In Essex; Certificate of Readiness (TCI); Certificate of good practice – Independent Quality Review (TCI) 

Decision Type:
Decision Maker:
Is the Decision Maker Aware of the Decision:
Is the Head of Services Aware of the Decision:
Is Decision Exempt from Call-in

Additional Information

Adoption of the Joint Essex Waste Partnership Strategy (2024-2054)

Decision Criteria

This Decision does not contain any decision criteria records.


This Decision does not contain any Division records.


This Decision does not contain any Topic records

Overview and Scrutiny

This Decision does not contain any Overview and Scrutiny records.

This section displays the history of the Decision.

Decision History

Date & Time CreatedUser Full NameStatus DescriptionDetails
 Page 1 of 3, items 1 to 10 of 26.
23/04/2024 15:05:37Maise RileyBusiness Item Created 
23/04/2024 15:05:37Maise RileyCommittee AddedCabinet
23/04/2024 15:05:37Maise RileyMeeting Added25/06/2024 10:15AM
23/04/2024 15:07:21Maise RileyReport AddedDocument ID 229597: FP-117-05-24 SUB SHEET
23/04/2024 15:07:58Maise RileyStatus ChangedDecision Proposed [2]
23/04/2024 15:08:31Maise RileyGeneral Details Edited 
23/04/2024 15:09:18Maise RileyGeneral Details Edited 
01/05/2024 17:41:57Maise RileyGeneral Details Edited 
01/05/2024 17:43:51Maise RileyGeneral Details Edited 
02/05/2024 17:13:38Maise RileyGeneral Details Edited 


No history found.
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