Essex Police, Fire and Crime Panel

The Essex Police and Crime Panel was established under the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011. The Panel became known as the Essex Police, Fire and Crime Panel in 2017.  

What the Panel does:
The Panel examines the actions and decisions of the Essex Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner (PFCC). It plays a vital role in holding the Commissioner to account. The Panel's functions are to:

  • scrutinise the Commissioner's Annual Report and Fire Statement
  • review and scrutinise the decisions and actions of the Commissioner
  • review the Commissioner's proposed council tax precept levels and have the power to veto the decision
  • review the Commissioner's proposed senior appointments and recommend to appoint or not
  • review the proposed appointment of the Chief Constable and recommend to appoint or not (or veto the appointment)
  • review the conduct of the Commisioner and Deputy Commissioner, and consider non-criminal complaints against them
  • appoint an Acting Commissioner, if required

Members and meetings:
The Panel has 15 elected members from local authorities across Essex, 2 independent members and 2 co-opted members for balanced appointment.

Name Represented area
Cllr Emma Callaghan Basildon Borough Council
Cllr Mary Cunningham Braintree District Council
Cllr Jay Laplain Brentwood Borough Council
Cllr Russell Savage Castle Point Borough Council
Cllr Donna Eley Chelmsford City Council
Cllr Pam Cox Colchester City Council
Cllr Craig McCann Epping Forest District Council
Cllr Ross Playle Essex County Council
Cllr Mike Garnett Harlow District Council
Cllr Simon Burwood Maldon District Council
Cllr Lisa Newport Rochford District Council
Cllr Martin Terry Southend City Council
Cllr Gina Placey Tendring District Council
Cllr Victoria Holloway Thurrock Council
Cllr Maggie Sutton Uttlesford District Council
John Gili-Ross (Chairman) Independent Co-opted Member
Sheila Murphy Independent Co-opted Member
Cllr Aidan McGurran Co-opted Member for Balanced Appointment

Cllr Frankie Ricci 

Co-opted Member for Balanced Appointment

The Panel meet a minimum of 4 times a year. Follow this link to view the work of the committee, the latest meetings, published documents and minutes.

The Panel's Constitution and Functions can be accessed using the links below.

The Constitution - this is made up of two parts:

  • Part 1 contains the Panel Arrangements. These deal predominantly with how the Panel is comprised and operated, dealing with matters such as membership, funding, and officer support to the Panel. Any changes to the Panel Arrangements must be agreed by the fifteen authorities appointing Councillors to the Panel; changes cannot be made by the Panel itself.
  • Part 2 contains the Procedure Rules.  These deal with the operation of meetings of the Panel, including the election of the Chairman and Vice Chairman, and how the Panel chooses to discharge it’s responsibilities, for example by establishing sub-committees. The Procedure Rules may be amended by the Panel; authority is not required from the constituent authorities. The Procedure Rules also contain an appendix, setting out the process to elect a Chairman by secret ballot, should the Panel opt to do this. 

Functions of the Panel - this document sets out the relevant legislation in establishing the Panel, and the Functions of the Panel as set out in legislation.

Gifts and Hospitality Register for Essex Police, Fire and Crime Panel


June 2024

Confirmation Hearing - Proposed Re-Appointment of Deputy Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner
The Panel has recommended that the PFCC proceed with the proposed re-appointment.

February 2024

Review of the Proposed Precepts 2024-25
At its meeting on the 1 February 2024, the Panel endorsed the Commissioner's precept proposals.

October 2023

Review of Essex County Fire and Rescue Service Annual Report and Statement of Assurance 2022/23
At its meeting on the 28 September 2023, the Panel fulfilled its statutory duty to review and scrutinise the report and provided feedback to the Commissioner.

Review of Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner's Annual Report 2022/23
At its meeting on the 28 September 2023, the Panel fulfilled its statutory duty to review and scrutinise the report and provided feedback to the Commissioner.

February 2023

Review of the Proposed Precepts 2023-24
At its meeting on the 7 February 2023, the Panel endorsed the Commissioner's precept proposals.

October 2022

Review of Essex County Fire and Rescue Service Annual Report and Statement of Assurance
At its meeting on the 29 September 2022, the Panel fulfilled its statutory duty to review and scrutinise the report and provided feedback to the Commissioner.

Review of Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner's Annual Report 2021-22
At its meeting on the 29 September 2022, the Panel fulfilled its statutory duty to review and scrutinise the report and provided feedback to the Commissioner.

January 2022

Confirmation Hearing - Proposed Designation of the PFCC's Chief Finance ("Section 151") Officer
The Panel has recommended that the PFCC proceed with his proposed designation.

Review of the Proposed Precepts 2022-23
At its meeting on the 3 February 2022, the Panel endorsed the Commissioner's precept proposals.

October 2021

Police and Crime Plan 2021-2024
At its meeting on the 29 October 2021, the Panel endorsed the PFCC's Police and Crime Plan 2021-2024

Review of Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner's Annual Report 2020-21
At its meeting on the 29 October 2021, the Panel agreed that in accordance with section 28(4) of the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011 the Panel’s recommendation to the Commissioner was to endorse the report.

Confirmation Hearing - Proposed Chief Fire Officer
The Panel has recommended that the PFCC proceed with his proposed appointment.

June 2021

Confirmation Hearing - Proposed Re-Appointment of Deputy Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner
The Panel has recommended that the PFCC proceed with his proposed re-appointment.

February 2021

Review of the Proposed Precepts 2021-22
At its meeting on the 4 February 2021, the Panel endorsed the Commissionner's precept proposals.

December 2020 

Review of the PFCC's 2019-20 Annual Report
At its meeting on the 10 December 2020, the Panel endorsed the PFCC's Annual Report

Confirmation Hearing - Proposed PFCC's Head of Finance
The Panel has recommended that the PFCC proceed with his proposed appointment.

July 2020

Essex Police, Fire and Crime Panel Annual Report 2019-20
The Panel's 2019-20 Annual Report can be viewed here.

February 2020

Review of the Proposed Precepts 2020-21
At its meeting on the 6 February 2020, the Panel endorsed the Commissionner's precept proposals.

Get involved:
You can attend Panel meetings and ask questions, unless where the business is exempt.  Contact us by email or telephone if you would like to:

  • ask an agenda-related question at a meeting
  • make a complaint about the conduct of the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner
  • get further information about the panel

The Panel deal with all complaints against the Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner.  The complaints procedure provides more detail on the process.  Should a complaint suggest criminal conduct, we must record it and pass it on the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC).

If you have a complaint about other police staff, please follow the advice on the Commissioner's website.

Contact the Essex Police, Fire and Crime Panel:
Telephone: 0333 0131 642
County Hall
Market Road


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