
The Council welcomes petitions and recognises they are one way in which people can let us know of their concerns.

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Review the council waste disposal centre policy for Epping Forest

Review the council waste disposal centre policy for Epping Forest and provide at least one centre in the district that can accept DIY waste such as other parts of the county have. Do more to combat fly tipping in the Epping Forest area.

There has been a significant rise in fly tipping since the council changed the waste management sites. People have to drive out of the district in many cases only to be turned away. Areas such as Epping Forest have become a dumping ground for fly tippers and the council doesn't seem to be doing much to combat it.

Not Specified
Friday, 25 August 2017
Sunday, 10 December 2017
Epping Forest Forum
This petition currently has 351 signatures in total.
Petition Signatories
351 electronic signatures
 Page 1 of 36, items 1 to 10 of 351.
Paul Abrahams
Melissa Abs
Tony Ames
Carolyn Amis
Frank Andrews
Karl Arnold
Liz Atkinson
Anna Avis
Stephen Avis
This petition has been reviewed and the following response has been offered:
Good afternoon Mr Morris. Your petition will be sent to the relevant service from whom you will receive a reply directly.
 Page 1 of 37, items 1 to 10 of 363.
11/12/2017 16:15 Judith Dignum Response PublishedResponse Published
11/12/2017 16:14 Judith Dignum Response ApprovedResponse Published
11/12/2017 16:12 Andy Gribben  Response Awaiting Approval
11/12/2017 16:07 Judith Dignum Response RejectedResponse Pending
11/12/2017 12:42 Andy Gribben  Response Awaiting Approval
11/12/2017 03:21(System Event)Petition Closed (responder emailed requesting response)Response Pending
11/12/2017 03:21(System Event)Petition Closed (responder emailed requesting response)Response Pending
23/11/2017 12:15Unregistered UserPetition Signed: Diane PikePetition Active
23/11/2017 09:56Unregistered UserPetition Signed: Paul StocktonPetition Active
21/11/2017 20:56Unregistered UserPetition Signed: Lisa Norman Petition Active
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