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Green Bin Charge

Reconsider their proposal to impose a standard charge for the collection of green waste within the community.

This facility has been embraced and funded by the Council Tax since 2002, and we see no reason why this additional charge should now be imposed.

Everybody is facing higher bills, mortgage repayments are increasing, as are rents, food price inflation, energy costs and fuel etc.,

We request the local council continues to lobby Central Government to ensure that they maintain the level of support they are obliged to.

Not Specified
Saturday, 22 July 2023
Monday, 31 July 2023
David Sowerby
This petition currently has 2664 signatures in total.
Petition Signatories
2664 electronic signatures
 Page 1 of 267, items 1 to 10 of 2664.
Chris A
Mary A
Heather A Holland
James Abbott
Rebecca Abbott
Emma Abbott
Lee Abbott
ian adams
Pam Adams
Tracy Adams
This petition has been reviewed and the following response has been offered:

Dear Dan Gascoyne


I am writing because a petition has been running on our website relating to green bin charges.  The petition has now closed and was signed by 2661 people but unfortunately green bin charges are not within our remit.  We have clarified the identity of the district to whom Mr Sowerby wishes to direct his petition and he is concerned about Braintree DC’s proposals.   (I imagine you will be aware that Colchester CC are introducing similar charges).


I have therefore agreed with Mr Sowerby – the lead petitioner -  that I would write to you about the petition and ask you to respond to Mr Sowerby directly.


The petition says


Reconsider their proposal to impose a standard charge for the collection of green waste within the community.  This facility has been embraced and funded by the Council Tax since 2002, and we see no reason why this additional charge should now be imposed. Everybody is facing higher bills, mortgage repayments are increasing, as are rents, food price inflation, energy costs and fuel etc., We request the local council continues to lobby Central Government to ensure that they maintain the level of support they are obliged to.”


You can view it here:  Petitions > Green Bin Charge (essex.gov.uk)


My view is that with hindsight it would possibly have been better if ECC had not have accepted the petition itself and I was not aware that we had done so until very recently, but nevertheless the petition does require a response from your authority. 


I suggest that you write to Mr Sowerby directly.   If you would like us to publish the response on the petitions page of our website we would on this occasion be happy to do so.


Kind regards


Paul Turner

 Page 1 of 268, items 1 to 10 of 2673.
22/01/2024 13:11Unregistered UserPetition Signed: Sapna ChanaPetition Active
15/08/2023 10:10Unregistered UserPetition Signed: ramcoumar ramadassouPetition Active
06/08/2023 15:33Unregistered UserPetition Signed: Manu PatelPetition Active
04/08/2023 12:17 Emma Tombs Response PublishedResponse Published
04/08/2023 12:11 Emma Tombs Response ApprovedResponse Published
04/08/2023 12:06 Jasmine Carswell  Response Awaiting Approval
01/08/2023 03:38(System Event)Petition Closed (responder emailed requesting response)Response Pending
31/07/2023 20:12Unregistered UserPetition Signed: Victoria HollowayPetition Active
31/07/2023 18:57Unregistered UserPetition Signed: Maxine LeaderPetition Active
31/07/2023 18:37Unregistered UserPetition Signed: Rachel SpruntPetition Active
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